Sunday, August 23, 2009

What do I think about National Day

In gernal Singaporeans means that racial harmony polite and respectful people. Futhermore, Singaporeans are people who are consern for others and tradional people. For me to be a Singaporean means to be proud of country and the others above. As for me I am a guy so I have to serve my country when I am 18 years old. This would teach me and ready me for anything the life ahead of me. Singapore has gave me a good education and medical service for me to live in Singapore. If there is war broken in Singapore I would not leave Singapore. I would stay on and fight even though how strong is the enemy. Until the last breathe of mine I would fight for my country. I would leave the Singapore only for education or something very important. After my education or somrthing else I would make sure that Iam back to my motherland.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Book Review

I have read the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K.Rowling. In this book there are three main chracters they are Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione. Harry Potter as always thought that he is an ordinary boy like the others. After some incidents he realises that he is not an ordinary boy. He will also go to the school of magic which is Hogwarts. In the first year of the school he would be selected to the house of Gryffindor with his other two friend s that he made in the train who are Ron an Hermione. As after every student had been solt in a house. The head master of Hogwarts told the first that no one have to the woods which neardy to Hogwarts and no one is allowed to go to fourth floor room has if they did want to have a painful death. But before coming to Hogwarts a person had help Harry to buy the staff for the school his name was Hagrid. Hagrid told him who was his parents and hoe they relaay died. Harry's enemy was Voldemort had killed his parents. In the first year Harry had a lot of advantage in Hogwarts has one the professor had Voldemort in him. Voldemort not only wanted to take the life of Harry only he also wanted the Philosopher's Stone to regain power. As Voldemort had lost his power battling with Harry's parents. But his parents had transfered the power to Harry instead of killing Voldemort. When cast the spell of death to Harry it rebouned to him back. From than on Voldemort had no powers anymore. Somehow Harry deffeat him off but Voldemort said that would be back and vanished. As Harry had another 6 more years ahead of him.


Euthanasia is where you end your life without any pain. There are many different forms of euthanasia like animal, human, voluntary euthanasia's. This form of euthanasia would be asked before the permission of the people or the owner. Euthanasia is like committing suicide is ending the life before natural death, but this not illegal because if the country has agreed with the law of euthanasia.

I do agree with euthanasia. It is because if a person has illness which there is no cure for it and he or she is suffering a lot they should be put to sleep as well as the animals.

As in Singapore euthanasia is not being practised so far because our medical treatments are very good there is no need for this. Sometime there are we see people are so ill and there is no cure so I think our we should re-look on this matter.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Eng AA Draft3

Draft 3 Kodeswarar
“Hey you there! Get ready for your sentence,” one of the Sinhalese soldier shouted at Balan.

Whereas as Balan was in pitch dark. The place was filthy. Cockroaches and lizards were crawling all over the cell walls. Balan was sitting down at a corner. He was pondering why was he a prisoner now and about his past.

He, his mother Durga and his sister Devi lived in a village called Polonnaruwa. Balan was a English teacher in other village called Sigiriya. His father Rajan had died in 1945. It was because as he father was coming back from the tea plantation after his night duty as a security guard and he met into an accident. Since then Balan had been working for his family. His mother also earned some money by selling some of her hand made art and crafts. Balan sister studies in a local high school. In 1948 Ceylon gained independence. Ceylon government passed the Ceylon Citizenship Act in 1948. As result of this Balan and much more Indian Tamil families became stateless. He still continued to teaching in Sigiriva school.

Balan was very humorous person always making jokes and made people relive from their stressful lives. One day Balan’s sister came home with a huge smile. “ Brother I have won the scholarship for the college, I also have finished my high school studies.” she said to her brother. Balan was so happy that he bought sweets for his whole street of neighbours and he going around telling that his sister is going to college.

After Balan’s sister had finished her college studies in 1960s she wanted to go to the university but Balan could afford it. It was because as Balan had been a English teacher, now the official language had became Singhalese. Anyway Devi also started work as a tuition teacher, after few years in 1975 Balan joined she sister in the university. In 1972 Indian Tamils scored better than the Sinhalese and the population in the university both the Tamils and Singhalese were equal. The government introduced a new university criteria saying that Tamils students had to score higher than the Sinhalese students to enter the university. Balan sister could enter the university because this so she continued as tuition teacher.

In Balan’s village there were many Tamils who supported the Tamil Tigers so the Ceylon government bombed the village. Balan did not know this because he was away from the village to find a job. When retuned to his village he got a shock of his life. His house was simply gone and is mothers, sister dead bodies were separated into parts. Balan was taken back from this incident. The Tamil Tigers used this as a good chance to get more people into the group. Some how the Tamil Tiger group leader brain washed people like Balan and made them join in. When Balan entered group he was questioned that whether he wanted to be solider or a suicide bomber. He answered as suicide bomber. Then he was trained for 3 years in the mountains as the Tamils Tigers camp sites were. Balan's training grew him physically and mentally ready for him to do the bombing.

On 1980 Balan mission was to destroy the head quarters of the Sinhalese base. He entered the base and a solider had identified him as a Tamil Tiger. The soldier was Balan old Sinhalese friend before. They captured him and he became a prisoner.

The cell gate opened, and the Sinhalese solider told him that his was going to be shot dead. The Sinhalese asked him “ What is your last wish?”. Balan exclaimed “ I want to see my mother and sister!”,after that he was in tears. The Sinhalese solider head was down. Then Balan was taken to a opened place and he took final stand and the next second his body was on the ground.
(Word 617)