Monday, July 27, 2009

Totto Chan Book Review

The story was about Totto Chan's mother coming to know of her explusion from public school. Totto Chan was a cute and naughty girl. Totto Chan mom relizes that why totto chan needs a school where more freedom of expression which will be allowed. Than, Chan's mother takes totto chan to meet the head master of the new school, Mr Kobayashi. From that moment onwards a friendship grew between the head mater and Totto Chan. How she and friends learn lesson from their mistakes. Thus I see how the normal world transfromed into a pleasant place full of joy. I also see as role of an adult, how Mr Kobayashi introduces new ways to interest the students. Mr. Kobayashi know the pupils well and develop the pupils qualities, mind, body and heart. Than the World War 2 broke out. But the head master rebuilt the school but he could not. The story end by Totto Chan beign a student of Tomoe Gakuen.

I would recommend this book to others as it shows different needs of children. It also shows how everyone is special in many ways.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Xin Jiang Riots

This riot was between the Han Chinese and Muslim Uighers. It was simply started because of with two races misunderstanding of each others religions. The misunderstanding grew bigger and it became a racial riot. As result of this riot more than 100 people had died and more than 50 people had been injured. Even others who wanted to help the injured ones they were also beaten up. I believe that Singapore will not and never encounter like this incident. If it would to happen I would somehow try to stop and solve the problem.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

EL Formative Assessment (Semester 2)

Main Character
-Balan, Devi and Durga

-Balan is a prisoner thinking why did he end up in prison and thinking about his past

-Ceylon government passed the Ceylon Citizenship Act
-His sister can't enter the university because of the Ceylon government had introduced a new
university criteria
-The government made the official language as Sinhalese
-How the Tamil Tigers came about
-because of what reasons Balan joined the Tamil Tigers

-Balan's friend was solider in the Sinhalese army
-The friend was the one who identified Balan as a Tamil Tiger
-Balan takes a final stand and he is shot dead

Saturday, July 11, 2009

'Should Singlish be the official language in Singapore?'

Singlish is an English-based language used in Singapore. It is the first language of many Singaporeans, and the second language of nearly all the rest of the country's citizens. However, educated Singaporeans are able to know the differents between Singlish and proper English.

The vocabulary of Singlish consists of words originating from English, Malay , Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Tamil, Bengali, Punjabi and to a lesser extent various other European, Indic and Sinitic languages, while Singlish syntax resembles southern varieties of Chinese. Also, elements of American and Australian slang have come through from imported television series and films. Recently, because Mandarin Chinese is taught to most Singaporean Chinese students in school, Mandarin words have also found their way into Singlish.

As majority Singaporeans have made English to Singlish, our younger generations are also following it. We should not allow this to happen to our country as this is spreading very fast like a virus. Our government is also arranging “Speak Good English” campaigns in schools and to the community. We should also take some effort to try to speak proper English. I am also going speak good English after I have wrote about this topic. We should not let Singlish be the offcial language of Singapore.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible? Discuss."

It has often been said that Singaporeans lack of social gracious and responsibility. We would like to refuse this statement but it is very often true. The way we can always find the floors of hawker center littered with cigarette butts and how getting off the M.R.T is such a struggle as those outside, rush to get in are just two aspects of how Singaporeans lack social gracious ,responsibility and courtesy.
Of course, many would rush to their defence claiming that in a fast-paced society as Singapore, there just is not enough time to be gracious anymore. Gone are the days when people could afford to do some things such as hold the door open or wait for others to board the lift before hitting the close button. However, I disagree with the people who say so as being more gracious does not require grand acts of self- sacrifice, but rather doing just simple things that would bring smiles to the faces of those around us. I am sure that with Singapore could easily become a more gracious country.
Any way not all Singaporeans behave like this. There are still Singaporeans who are gracious and responsible towards each others. The Singapore government have to play a part by setting off courtesy, gracious and responsible campaigns. This would turn whole Singapore into a pleasant and gracious country.
